Tag: market research company (1)

Mystery Shopping

What characterized Mystery Shopping as a research metod

Mystery shopper research measures performance of employees which have contact with customers. Objectives of mystery clients is to assessing employees knowledge and skills. The research measures quality from a customer perception. This is made possible by assessing the overall customer experience through observation and reporting. So, when you, as a company manager, want to follow in the footsteps of other managers, who implemented recommendations from the mystery shopping research and in this way improved customer service, you can do that by right choice of market research agency. Implementation of the mystery client surveys requires detailed project planning. In order to do this, should be created research scenario, and proper questionnaires. Scenario should be included such issues, as a number of facilities, timetable, way of recruiting mystery shoppers and way of controlling their work.

Rules of mystery client selection and control process

Mystery clients should comply with precise requirements, which allow them to simulate typical customers. The most important are demographic variables, like age, sex. Mystery client should also has personal predispositions such as objectivity, honesty, perceptiveness and dedication. Realization of a mystery shopper survey should include control process. For this reason research agencies conduct hidden observation of mystery clients in selected facilities. It is also possible to verify receipts and reports of mystery clients.

Conduct of the study

Mystery client goes to designated facility and the first thing which he or she does, is preliminary observation. He/she evaluate how clean is facility, waiting time, product placement and other issues. Only after this mystery client talk to sellers. Mystery client should play a role of typical customer. He/she ask questions and express interest in offered services. At this stage he/she evaluates knowledge of sellers, and their desire to help customers. After that mystery client fill on report and questionnaire about specific facility.

The best market research company – BioStat – conduct mystery shopping with the use of authorial research platform: CATI-System.pl. It provides data and conclusions recording with the use of smart phones or tablet computers. In case of mystery shopping such solution is highly desirable, enables keeping naturalness of the research process. CATI-System allows auditors to make an easy photographic, audio or audio-video documentation in form of attachments, which are sending to administrator of the platform.
